The final instalment in the brilliant Steam Traction bookazine series, Traction Engines 6, has just been published and, in common with the previous five editions, this latest one is packed with fascinating content that’s guaranteed to pique the interest of steam enthusiasts everywhere.

Traction Engines 6 covers Fyson, Savage, Tasker, Wallis & Steevens and Wantage. A gallery of previously unseen images from the archives, illustrates traction engines as they worked, rusted away and found their way into preservation. Some of the ‘before and after’ restoration contrasts presented in this new edition, are quite remarkable.

Traction Engines 6

This bookazine, like the rest in the series, is a 100-page, perfect-bound, A4 format production that’s packed with superb, fully-captioned photographs in both black and white and colour. The bookazine has been put together by Old Glory magazine editor, Peter Love, and you can order your copy today for just £8.99, direct from the Kelsey Publishing online shop simply by clicking here.