Charlie Waters, editor of Heritage Commercials magazine, enjoys a trip to the International Autojumble at Beaulieu.

International Autojumble at Beaulieu

International Autojumble at Beaulieu: This is a rare ‘Jennings’ caravanette body on a Land Rover, provided sleeping and cooking facilities for this stall holder, from a distance it’s the same shape as a gown van.

The National Motor Museum, in the heart of the New Forest National Park, not far from Southampton, hosted the eagerly and much-anticipated return of the International Autojumble at Beaulieu, on September 4-5th. The event attracted more than 25,000 paying visitors through the gates, despite the impacts of both Brexit and Covid. The attendance, we imagine, was also boosted by the mini heatwave that happened to coincide with the event.

International Autojumble at Beaulieu

This Renault service-liveried F4 van was for sale just under £6,000, complete with French registration plates.

I visited on the Sunday and the weather was glorious, it was noticeably less busy than previous years for obvious reasons, but it was nice to be back rummaging through the boxes of trinkets typically found at autojumbles like this; something I’ve sincerely missed doing.

International Autojumble at Beaulieu

An LDV pilot lingering on at the rear of the sales stands.

As always, the event was well laid out, with great facilities including the museum and Bonhams auctions on the day. As expected, several light commercials were seen during the day, but the highlight for me was the superb, Renault F4 van carrying the ‘Renault Service’ livery, complete with its French registration plates! I saw it in the exhibitor’s car park with a ‘For Sale’ sign – the asking price was £5,750.

International Autojumble at Beaulieu

An Anglia van looking for a new home.

Other commercials of note included a Land Rover with a Jennings body conversion, an LDV Pilot, a superb Commer PB with a usual body, plus a Reliant Fox that was in the Bonhams auction.

A nice Commer PB from 1961, with a rather unusual body conversion.

All-in-all, the event provided a great day out which I thoroughly enjoyed. Well done to all at Beaulieu for making it happen.

This Reliant Fox van was for auction.


A plethora of Bibendum (Michelin Man) signs, all for sale.


Pick a petrol pump globe, any make you like!

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