Willie Carson reports from Cloughmills Vintage Club’s 40th Anniversary Road Run; a successful event enjoyed by all concerned.

Vintage Club’s 40th Anniversary Road Run

Vintage Club’s 40th Anniversary Road Run: John Fleming, on his BMC-engined Ferguson which was featured in issue 91 of this magazine.

An invitation to celebrate a great day in any club’s history is always exciting, but when the club is throwing a 40th anniversary bash, it’s extra special.

Vintage Club’s 40th Anniversary Road Run

It was good to see Sammy Millar, of the Braid Valley Vintage Enthusiasts, out supporting the Cloughmills Vintage Club.

The Cloughmills Vintage Club has held a prominent place in Northern Ireland’s vintage scene since its formation, in Co. Antrim, four decades ago. The drive and enthusiasm of its members has ensured that the club’s events have always had that wee bit extra on show.

Vintage Club’s 40th Anniversary Road Run

Robert Kirkpatrick, former member of the club, taking part in this special event.

For years, its annual rally captivated visitors with demonstrations and displays of agricultural technology and practices as they evolved during the 20th century. The club has even welcomed the oldest combine harvester in Ireland to one of its events.

Clearly, though, the members do a lot more sit around at club meetings and talk about the past; they all prefer to relive those days in the fields and on the country byways that skirt the Antrim hills.

Ricky Wilson tackled the run on one of Henry Shannon’s tractors, as did his brother, Roy.

The event I attended saw more than 80 members and their tractors gather at the mill yard in Cloughmills village on Saturday, September 18th, after which the convoy set off on a tour of the scenic back roads, stopping for a lunch break at Cargan Dam, in Glenravel.

The majority of the tractors were from the pre-classic era; the bright sunshine encouraging many who were without the weather protection of a cab out for the day’s craic. It was a day of smiles all around; a proper celebration.

Drew Shannon, whose father, Henry, is a founder member of the club.

After everyone had returned safely from the run, discussed the days events and then gone their separate ways, the final reckoning revealed that just over £1,000 had been raised for local charities from entry fees and donations; an amazing total. Well done one and all!

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