Fancy attending a ‘Transport and Steam’ illustrated evening presentation fund-raiser in Leeds this week, with the Friends of Pudsey Roller?

Friends of Pudsey Roller

A Wallis & Steevens steam roller awaits the passage of a goods train across a main road in Leeds.

Following the enforced lay-off as a result of Covid, there will be another in the successful series of ‘Transport and Steam’ illustrated evening presentations organised by the Friends of Pudsey Roller in late May, continuing their fund raising activities for the roller’s restoration. The Friends of Pudsey Roller is an organisation dedicated to raising money to assist in the restoration of the Fowler steam roller that stood in Pudsey Park, near Leeds, from 1959 to 1990.

The event will take place, together with a Pie and Pea Supper, at 7.45pm on Thursday, May 26th at Farsley Liberal Club, 116 Old Road, Farsley, Leeds  LS28  5DH.

The Middleton Railway’s vice-president, Ian Smith, will provide an informative and illustrated talk on the history of this significantly important and historic railway over the many years of its existence.

All are welcome to what promises to be a very interesting evening. Tickets at £8.95 each, including supper – vegetarian options are available – can be obtained by post (please include an SAE) from FoPR, Cambridge House, Calverley Lane, Bramley, Leeds  LS13  3LR or, given the closeness of the event, telephone John on 01132 570371 or send an email to:

This news item comes from the latest issue of Old Glory, and you can get a brilliant, money-saving subscription to the magazine simply by clicking HERE