Iconic paddle steamer PS Waverley is shipshape again following the successful conclusion of her boiler room refit by Dales Marine at Greenock, reports Hugh Dougherty.

PS Waverley is shipshape

PS Waverley from above, showing the work in progress. (Pic: Waverley Excursions)

We’re encouraged to report that PS Waverley is shipshape, after the ship’s two new boilers, controls and generators – the subject of last year’s emergency £2m appeal – have now all been fitted. This important renovation work was successfully completed  despite technicians having to work more slowly than expected, due to social-distancing restrictions. Waverley’s fiddly deck plates, removed to allow access to the boiler room, have all been replaced, together with the ship’s distinctive red-and-white funnels. Now the paddler is ready to raise steam once again.

The deck panels being put down above the new boilers. (Pic: Waverley Excursions)

“Waverley has also passed her dry dock inspections, and had her hull cleaned and painted,” said Waverley Excursions general manager, Paul Semple. “We’ve yet to conduct steaming and sea trials, and bring her up to her berth at the Glasgow Science Centre, but we’ve set no date for public sailing this season. Social-distancing regulations would make it very difficult for us to sail and break even.

Fitting the aft funnel. (Pic: Waverley Excursions)

“We’ve still made no firm decision about this season, but what we do know is that we’ll need on-going financial support to see us through this coming winter, as the revenue we were expecting to bring in from this summer doesn’t exist. So, I would ask anyone who can to continue to support us to do so, using one of several ways of regular giving we’ve listed on our website at waverleyexcursions.co.uk

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