Val Moore provides an update on the restoration of a special Ruston stationary engine, being undertaken by David Alexander.

a special Ruston stationary engine

A special Ruston stationary engine: The Ruston is seen here while still at Colin Knox’s premises.

In early 2021, Stationary Engine featured the removal of two large engines – a Ruston and a Crossley – by David Alexander, from the premises of Colin Knox. Since then, a great deal of work has taken place on restoring the Ruston, while the Crossley was put into storage and waits patiently until it can also benefit  from the Alexander restoration treatment.

a special Ruston stationary engine

With the engine in David Alexander’s workshop, dismantling begins.

The renovation of the Ruston was relatively straightforward (well, as straightforward as one can expect when working on a large engine!) and has now been completed. I must say it was a pleasure to visit David and see the engine running. The little Ruston & Hornsby 6PS (Power Starter) engine that came with the big Ruston has also been restored and is used to charge the air-bottle for starting the Ruston.

a special Ruston stationary engine

The flywheel and crankshaft awaiting attention.


Restoration is well underway.


The finished engine; David can be justifiably proud of his superb workmanship.


This is the little Ruston & Hornsby 6PS that came with the big engine; it’s now used to charge the air receiver(s) to start the Ruston.

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