Anthony Fides provides some photographs of his latest find, and interesting Crossley Brothers PH 1030 enclosed crank engine.

Crossley PH 1030 engine

Crossley PH 1030 engine: The unit as first seen.

Unfortunately, engine maker’s plate is missing, and a serial number hasn’t – as yet – been found anywhere else on the engine. But, if anyone can suggest where the serial number might be located, Anthony would be extremely pleased to hear from you.

Crossley PH 1030 engine

The rescued engine in Anthony’s trailer.

Without the data normally found on the maker’s plate, just what model the engine is has been determined by the diameter of the flywheels – PH1030 is 15 inches with a 2¼-inch face while PH1040 is 17½ inches in diameter with a 2½-inch face.

Crossley PH 1030 engine

Here we see the engine awaiting a thorough clean, before an assessment can be made with regards to it true condition.

It is believed that this enclosed crank engine (Bedford model) was supplied new to the owners of Dunsany Castle, in County Meath, Ireland, where it was used to power a compressor for charging the air receivers needed to start a large, Ruston & Hornsby engine. This machine drove numerous items of machinery via a line-shaft system, as well as a large saw mill.

A head-on view.

When it was found, the engine was basically complete, although in a very poor mechanical condition, with a great many of the moving parts seized and/or damaged. The engine’s restoration will most certainly be a long process.

A view from the rear.

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